I'm Kelly.

Hey -
I'm Kelly.

I’m an outdoor lover hell bent on creating watercolour art as adventurous & inspiring as you are. 

When I worked as a backcountry wilderness guide & outdoor educator I was often on back to back to back trips, stopping at home briefly to shower, throw in some laundry & restock supplies. If I was lucky, perhaps catch up with friends while enjoying a beverage or two. 

But despite post-trip exhaustion (you know the kind…), I was so-dang-excited to see the photographs that I’d taken of the trip, I'd stay up until 3am editing images (seriously, who does that?!). My creative side has always needed to be fed as much as my soul.

take a trip down memory lane with me

You’ve found the place where modern outdoor enthusiasts go for handcrafted west coast watercolour art that reminds them of their past adventures, and perhaps even inspire a new excursion. Burnt pasta/quinoa/rice not included :)

Here's the good news.

Life handed me a creative entrepreneur job in exchange for the guide life, and I entered the ranks of outdoor enthusiast (which I very much enjoy as well ;) Now I can head out, play hard, and then come home inspired to create art that reminds me of the wild spaces I’ve been to, or dreaming of visiting in the future ;)

I’ve always loved capturing the stories, moments & camaraderie that comes with wilderness travel. Reliving that nostalgia is pure bliss.

And I get to do it everyday, blending my two biggest passions.

fast forward 9 years

Creativity & Wilderness

Feed your wilderness Soul

Organic, handcrafted watercolours for the modern adventurer to relive nostalgia in a space you've created. Nostalgia for your previous time outside, inspiration for your future trips.

You've earned those tuns, celebrate your outdoor endeavours and wake up your wilderness soul.

this is where I come in

When you come back home to recharge & recover, tell a tale (or two…or three) you can admire the space you’ve created, so you don’t forget why you work so dang hard in between those sweet moments outside.

So go on. Get out there, and play hard.

A few of my favourite visual artists who have inspired me along the way are Andrea EnglandSarah Cray, Anna Bucciarelli, Louise De Masi, Emily Jeffords, and Laura Horn.

Visual Influences & Trail Blazers

Recognizable shapes mixed with unrealistic colours are my jam. Many years spent in Motion Design has honed my taste for this touch of non-realism. I can see you dig it too ;)

Blending realism with fantasy

Do you really want to hear how much I love the wilderness? It's A-L-O-T. It is the essence of my soul, one of the things i need most in my life.

Wilderness & outdoor spaces

what fires me up


The silence that fills me with peace.

watercolour mountains

Mountain Artwork

where to next?

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It's ok to call dibs on artwork. Legit.

It's ok to call dibs on artwork.


Feed your curiosity

What if I told you the only natural talent an artist has, is the desire to create?

Tap into your inner creative.

Tap into your inner 
